We have a small Niles Coalition update with an important #SaveNilesLibrary plan to join. Check it out!
Niles Coalition
We have a new logo! Notice anything familiar? 👀
#SaveNilesLibrary Campaign
Our Niles Coalition#SaveNilesLibrary campaign is growing thanks to supporters like you! We have a number of opportunities available for you.
The next meeting of the library Board of Trustees is a really important one. On July 20th, they will hear public comments on the budget they proposed, which makes sweeping cuts to hours, staff, materials, and services. We want them to hear from as many different people as possible, so we need to get the word out.
Here’s the action plan list, how many can you check off? ✅
While the anti-library bloc of Trustees Carolyn Drblik, Joe Makula, Susan Schoenfeldt, & Olivia Hanusiak have been scheming amongst themselves for quite some time and continue to do. Now is time to STEP ON THE GAS and resist this attack on our community! Here are a number of ways community members and orgs have been doing just that in defense of our cherished Niles-Maine District Library. The community was caught off guard but together we will win now, and for the continued future!
Susan Dove LempkeSpeaks Out
Former Executive Director of the Niles-Maine District Library Susan Dove Lempke licked her wounds, dusted off her blog, and broke her silence regarding the hot mess going down at the library. Ever since the new board took control it’s been nearly impossible to understand what has been going on. While the new trustees ran on transparency, that has not been the case at all.
“A new board was seated at the Niles-Maine District Library in suburban Chicago on May 19th. The newly elected trustees formed a voting block with the previously lone tax hawk on the board, elected themselves to all of the offices, and set off on an incredibly fast-paced whirl of destruction. After eight board meetings in four weeks, totaling 27 hours, I had the choice of resigning with a settlement, or being fired. You can guess which one I chose.
Part of me would like to turn the corner and move on, but the other part of me knows that I am uniquely positioned to shed light on this dire situation.”
Speaking of transparency, Trustee Becky Keane-Adams publicly addressed the community directly through a YouTube video.
Listen to the description of this horror show that the anti-library bloc are perpetrating upon the board members, the library staff, and the community.
Tell the Niles-Maine District Library Board of Trustees that you do not support their proposed service and budget cuts to our library. These cuts are unnecessary and severe and will only hurt our community.
“The Illinois Labor Relations Board is investigating an unfair labor practices charge against Niles-Maine District Library Board President Carolyn Drblik in her capacity as board president. The charges are related to cuts made in the library’s next fiscal year budget which begins Thursday, July 1.
Drblik and the library were served official notice of an unfair labor practices charge Monday, June 21. The charge comes after a June 7 official notice to then library director Susan Dove Lempke that 88 library employees voted to form a local with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31, and the vote to approve a tentative library budget June 16. Drblik did not return calls or emails by press deadlines Tuesday.”
July 2oth Action
📢 THIS IS THE BIG ONE! Mark your calendars and come on out to NICO Park on July 20th at 5:00pm. We’ll all march over to the Niles-Maine District Library in time to make comments and bear witness at the public hearing for the Tentative Budget and Appropriations Ordinance.
The June 30 Meeting Shut Down And the cherry on top. This week the anti-library bloc tried to sneak in another Special Board Meeting posted exactly at the minimum time allowed- 48 hours. The agenda had items with no explanation what they were. The pro-library trustees were also in the dark. So the community rallied and SHOWED UP. President Carolyn Drblik ran out before the meeting started and disappeared for 20 minutes while a packed room waited, wondered, and stewed. Vice President Olivia Hanusiak was absent.
Round after round of angry comments were flung at the trustees. An apology was demanded of Joe Makula for his racist comments while he sat silent. People asked for their resignations while Drblik rudely smirked and fidgeted with her phone. When the comments were finally done, the 3 pro-library trustees WALKED OUT effectively shutting down the meeting for lack of a quorum. Now that’s resistance!
Like the amazing activist, grassroots organizer, and educator Mariame Kaba says: “It isn’t true that ‘noone is doing X’. In fact, it’s always true that ‘someone is doing X’”. That is to say that everywhere people are creating all sorts of ways to help others out. Niles is no exception because we just discovered the Solidarity Cards for Incarcerated Teens event programming at the Niles-Maine DIstrict Library for youth in grades 7-12. Inspired by Circles & Ciphers, it’s an amazing opportunity for our community. More of this please!
Public Meeting Access
The Village of Niles board meetings have just gotten less accessible. During the pandemic meetings were virtual which allowed for remote access, public comments over zoom and emailed comments. On June 18th the Village quietly announced in an online newsletter that because Covid restrictions are being lifted there are no more options for remote participation of any form, including emailed comments.
A community is cared for best when all voices are accommodated. This return to less accessibility is an appalling direction for our government to take. Contact us if your voice is being silenced or if you know somebody who is being systematically excluded like this.
Joe Makula’s Buddy Steven Yasell
It’s reported that patrons at the library saw Trustee Joe Makula shepherding Steven Yasell around the library on Friday June 29th. Does this mean they hired him anyway regardless of the public outcry? Did he even pass the background check they agreed to require like other library workers? Is this how they’re paying him for their campaign video work? Is our patron information safe in his hands? So many questions, so little transparency.
Capitol Fax: “Elections have consequences”
Speaking of which, Rich Miller of Capitol Fax took notice of this attack on our community and wrote this blog post mentioning Steven Yasell (check out that “oppo file”), the unionization of library workers, and the ousting of Susan Dove Lempke.
So many people have been wanting to take action, we hear you! Here is a whole smorgasbord of opportunities to fight for our library, to fight for justice!
🔥 Last Minute Special Board Meeting Wednesday, June 30th 6:30pm
The library board just added the SEVENTH meeting for June; another Special Board Meeting with only 2 days’ notice. Trustee Suzanne Schoenfeldt claims “Personal satisfaction comes from working for, and with people of the community”. How is this meeting schedule in any way accommodating the people of the community? The agenda includes a motion to deny public access to the library down to only 54 hours per week! That is below the Illinois Library Association’s standards for a library district our size. They’re also planning to add restrictive anti-transparency policies regarding press and communications. Public comments can be made in person or via email to: books@nileslibrary.org by 5:30pm.
🔥 4th of July Parade
We’re marching in the parade y’all! We have parade spots still open but filling up fast! There are other ways to join too for people who want to join us to show appreciation for the library and staff and raise awareness. It’s going to be a great time so please come on out and cheer for the Niles-Maine District Library! Fill out this form to sign up!
🔥 Join us on July 20th
This is the one, mark your calendar NOW because you won’t want to miss it! We are bringing our voices together in person to let the anti-library board what we think of their grim austerity budget that is gutting our Niles-Maine District Library. More details to come but we are asking everybody to come out for this one.
Budget cuts are numerous and include:
Cuts to hours and staffing putting our library’s per capita grant funding at risk. Per Illinois law (see 75 ILCS 10/8.1.) there are certain standards that public libraries must meet in order to receive state funding. Our library board’s slashed budget and the return to pandemic-level operating hours will make it impossible for us to meet some of these standards.
Significant cuts to the Teen AV budget. We don’t understand why Joe Makula is targeting the Teen Underground for reduced access. Making the library less appealing to teens doesn’t help anyone. TEENS RISE UP!
Cuts to staff salaries that are partially due to the board refusing to allow the library to fill any vacancies ($144,299) and the rest of the cuts will impact the wages of existing staff ($415,118). Staff will either be fired or have their pay drastically cut. This includes a direct attack on employees even in the lowest pay grade.
Discontinuing all school and nursing home outreach. The trustees have heard passionate testimony regarding the importance of school outreach from our library’s former director, staff, the local school district administrators, and many residents. Yet they plan to disregard this important role of our library.
Local news outlets have been covering the extreme cuts and loathsome behavior of the anti-library clan of trustees: Carolyn Drblik, Joe Makula, Olivia Hanusiak, & Suzanne Schoenfeldt.
The lessons we’re learning from the #SaveNilesLibrary campaign have been informing the organizational structure of the Niles Coalition.We’ve been networking and making so many new friends. We’re excited to connect with so many of you. Another world is possible, we just know it!
#SaveNilesLibrary Update
As you know, our cherished Niles-Maine District Library was taken over by an anti-library bloc of trustees: Carolyn Drblik, Olivia Hanusiak, Suzanne Schoenfeldt, & Joe Makula. Their heartless attitude toward the library staff and patrons is such a cruel and shameful display that is causing so much anguish in our community. But we continue to bear witness during meeting after intolerable meeting.
🏆 Ok, first of all, the community really SHOWED UP when we asked for y’all to send letters to reject the Steven Yasell corrupt contract. The Mayor of Niles was compelled to make a public comment at the June 16th library board meeting to plead with the board to work together. He cited the over 150 emails, text messages, and phone calls. The situation is ongoing but congratulations and thank you!
🌟 Secondly and even bigger news is that the employees of Niles-Maine District Library are organizing their union with AFSCME Council 31! Through the tireless efforts of library workers and allies they accomplished this amazing feat in such a short time frame. We were honored to sign on as a supporter of this effort to secure worker rights! We hope this helps protect them from the brunt of the wrecking ball but we aren’t slowing down to find out!
🕊 Unfortunately, through all these wins, the anti-library bloc confirmed one of our worst suspicions on the night of June 18th, 2021. After an unprecedented 4-hour closed executive session while desperate library workers waited and waited, the board forced the resignation of beloved Executive Director Susan Dove Lempke. (video) The impact upon the community is devastating.
📄 You can always read out blog post updates at our campaign page at SaveNilesLibrary.org. Two new blog posts have been published recently:
📢 What’s next you ask? We have been inundated with requests for action. We hear you and we will be reaching out with specific opportunities. For one, the Niles 4th of July parade is coming up and we want to get as many people as possible along the route wearing buttons, stickers, building awareness, and cheering on the librarians. Specific details about that and future actions will be sent soon. Please stay tuned!
In Solidarity,
Niles Coalition
PS- here are some signs you can print out and put in your windows!
During the June 18, 2021 Special Board Meeting the anti-library bloc (Carolyn Drblik, Olivia Hanusiak, Suzanne Schoenfeldt, & Joe Makula) forced the resignation of Executive Director Susan Dove Lempke. We learned this after an unprecedented and painful 4-hour closed session during which library staff waited and waited. (video) Susan has served this community for 23 years and began her career at the Niles-Maine District Library in the Youth Department where she expanded access to storytimes and developed relationships with dozens of area schools. She will be sorely missed for sure and the community and library staff are reeling from this tragedy imposed upon us.
While we are taking time to mourn this loss, we cannot forget what is still at stake. The final version of Joe Makula’s scrawled up budget has been posted and will be voted on at the July 20th Board Meeting.
The budget includes $450,000 in cuts to staff, mostly from the lowest pay grades. The remaining staff are expected to make up the work, which will mean a reduction in other services.
The library’s open hours will be cut back from full operating hours (70) and even what they are now (66) to pandemic levels (54).
All outreach to schools and nursing homes is eliminated.
The trustees are still considering the corrupt contract with Steven Yasell, despite his lack of qualifications, apparent inability to pass a background check, and the existence of another less expensive proposal from a qualified professional.
Budgets for books and other materials are cut further than the already low levels from the pandemic.
We are making plans for the July 20th meeting and hope you can join us. But no need to wait until then, here’s what you can do in the meantime.
Spread the word! Print out signs for windows (color, black & white), chalk savenileslibrary.org outside your house
Let us know if you are planning to go to the 4th of July parade. We want to get as many people as possible along the route wearing buttons or stickers and cheering on the librarians. If you’d like to participate, please contact us or send us a message through social media.
Utilize the library! Check out books, and attend programs. The trustees have been using the low checkouts and visits from the pandemic to justify many of these cuts. Let’s show them that this community needs and uses its library.
In the month of June quite a lot has happened already, and there’s yet another Special Board Meeting scheduled for Friday, June 18th. This one is for an Executive Session so most of it will be held behind closed doors and the trustees may or may not bring anything back to vote on when they return from that closed session. Public comments are allowed for those attending in person who sign up when entering before the meeting begins, or can be submitted via email by 5:30 PM to Executive Director Susan Dove Lempke at slempke@nileslibrary.org
On June 14th the board also held a special board meeting to review the budget, where they were supposed to come to an agreement, though it was difficult because Joe Makula showed up with his own budget document that he sprang on everyone at the meeting without anyone else being able to see it in advance. Joe’s verison came not only with a column added for his cuts, but with typos and some new amounts that he couldn’t explain or describe when asked, so everyone had to wait until June 16th to find out whether the cuts were really so deep that the board planned to cut many library workers’ jobs or some or none.
June 16th was the regular monthly meeting of the board, though as with all of the other recent board meetings there were many irregularities. After an attempt by the new trustees to move public comments to the end of the meeting was abandoned, the public saw our letter-writing campaign make a difference, as one of the in-person commenters was Niles Mayor Alpogianis. He urged the trustees to work together and build bridges not walls, and pointed out that people see what’s going on, that the board is arguing about things like moving public comments (and he recommended they bring a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order to their meetings), and that there is a lot of chatter that doesn’t sound good. His own 5 children have used the library hundreds and hundreds of times and he would drop them off at the library and he felt safe, that a library is supposed to be a safe place (clearly making reference to Joe Makula’s strange complaints about children going to the library after school without their parents).
We also noticed that former Maine Township trustee David Carrobatta , who appears to be advising Carolyn Drblik, has been allowed by her to interject from the audience throughout recent meetings. On Wednesday he made clear that schools are coming up on their hit list, and we noticed that he said the quiet part out loud regarding firing library staff, with his “Cut staff? Boy I hope you do!” Cruel and heartless.
The “up to” $1,500 disbursement to Steven Yasell was tabled without any explanation. For now we’ll take that as a win. To date 102 letters have been sent through our letter-writing campaign ”Reject the Corrupt Contract”, and the Mayor of Niles indicated in his public comment that he’d received over 150 emails, calls and texts from people who are concerned about what has been going on at the library. But we’re keeping an eye on this, as the board may just be biding time in hopes that we’ll stop paying attention.
Right now, the cuts to our library’s staffing is where we are focusing our attention and concern. At one point Trustee Drblik said that she didn’t think we were talking about cutting jobs, just cutting dollars. But when cutting payroll dollars it does mean either cutting staff or cutting their wages. She has suggested more than once that if things change later in the year that they can revisit and adjust the budget, but that’s really not an accurate representation of how budgeting works, and it’s extremely unlikely they’d go through the great deal of work involved in increasing the budget mid-year. So it’s important to make sure our voices are heard between now and the July 20th 6:30 PM meeting when the final budget for the next fiscal year will be voted on.
We’ll be keeping you informed if the board adds any more special meetings this month, and sharing actions you can take in July to support our library and the library workers our community depends on.
We have a new development regarding the corrupt contract the Niles-Maine District Library Board railroaded in.
As you may know, recently we launched a letter-writing campaign to send 50 emails to the board of trustees and the Mayor of Niles to “reject the corrupt contract” the new trustees awarded to their campaign videographer Stephen Yasell of “Yissilmissil Productions”. We’re glad to report that we exceeded that and extended the goal to 100. Despite the public outcry, and staunch objections from 3 of the 7 trustees, the board appears to be proceeding with the corrupt contract.
In our last blog entry we spoke about the way the board has been mangling the budget process. Journal & Topics also recently wrote a piece outlining the various cuts: Deep Niles-Maine District Library Budget Cuts. While this process and proposed cuts are alarming we are still wondering what happened with the Yasell contract. It was never mentioned in the budget meetings so we were compelled to request this information using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain the proposal.
Turns out there were twoproposals. One was, as expected, from Stephen Yasell, Film Director at Yissilmissil Productions on May 18th, a day before the new trustees were sworn in. The other was received on May 26th from a Business Architecture Transformation Specialist with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Security and Forensic Investigation, a qualified expert!
The Yissilmissil Production proposal was open-ended with no estimation of time (“as needed”) with a service rate of $100 per hour. When challenged regarding that, library Trustee Carolyn Drblik flippantly mentioned capping the contract at $1000. But on what data was that determined?
Proposal by Yissilmissil Productions
The Business Architecture Transformation Specialist actually specced out an estimated 32 hours with a total of $960.
Proposal by a Business Architecture Transformation Specialist
For anybody who has been watching some of these recent meetings you’ll know how the trustees have been scrutinizing bids and micromanaging the library to shave money off the budget. Somehow this suddenly escapes their purview.
After all we learned from the library staff during the budget workshops is this contract even necessary? If so, shouldn’t we go with a qualified professional at a fraction of the cost?
Let it be known that this is not acceptable in our community! (see below)
At the June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Budget Workshops (videos here), Niles-Maine District Library’s department heads presented their proposed budgets for the next fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). As members of the community, we learned that days before these workshops, a copy of the Library’s proposed budget was marked up with lines drawn through many items. A FOIA request got us access to the marked-up budget document trustee Joe Makula and Board President Carolyn Drblik surprised department heads with before the budget workshops.
After many public commenters explained the impact of the proposed cuts to outreach programs for school children and senior citizens, it seemed like Board President Drblik might be reconsidering those cuts. If you don’t want to see the new board’s proposed cuts to hours of operation, purchasing of new books, loaning of technology, or any of the other cuts and notes on the document linked above, speak out now before the board’s upcoming votes.
Opportunities for action:
Attend the meeting: 6/14/21 6:30 PM budget meeting at 6960 W. Oakton St. This is where trustees will discuss the budget for next year. Extreme cuts have been proposed by Carolyn Drblik and Joe Makula, and we assume that, as with every other action the new board has taken so far, that Olivia Hanusiak and Suzanne Schoenfeldt will go along with whatever they say.
If you would like the trustees and community to hear your concerns, when you enter the Commons Meeting Room (arrive before 6:30) sign in not only on the attendance sheet but also on the list of people who would like to make a public comment.
We’ve noticed that the library website’s information on how to submit a written public comment keeps disappearing and reappearing, so we can’t tell if they are considering removing the ability to submit public comments in writing. Usually if you send an email marked as a public comment by 5:30PM on the day of a meeting to slempke@nileslibrary.org, the comment will be read into the meeting (if there is time after the in-person comments have been spoken).
Send an email to all of the trustees, and CC the library’s Executive Director and the Mayor of Niles.
You can use our letter-writing tool here, sending the pre-drafted message or editing it as much as you’d like:
Attend the meeting: 6/16/21 6:30 PM regular monthly board meeting at 6960 W. Oakton St.